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  Semen is now available for 94JE3877 WF Action Terpster, an "Action" son out of WF Attaboy Tiffany, 2012 Reserve National Grand Champion. CLICK HERE for more information in our August Jersey Journal ad.

WF Attaboy Apple Pie
Best Bred and Owned of Show

SSF Prestige Carla
Reserve Winner National Jersey Jug Futurity

Show highlights. . .

We wrapped up the 2013 show season with a bang at The All American Jersey Show in Louisville! Waverly Farms captured banners for Reserve Premier Breeder and Reserve Premier Exhibitor.

WF Attaboy Apple Pie was named Overall Best Bred and Owned Female of the show and SSF Prestige Carla was named Reserve Winner of the National Jersey Jug Futurity. CLICK HERE to see complete results from the Waverly show string this year.




We send a hearty congratulations to Rebeccah Lippy, MD, for owning the winner of the 2010 AJCA Leading Living Lifetime Production Contest. Queen Acres Barber Booper, VG-88%, topped the competition with totals of 306,145M, 14,664F and 10,520P in 10 lactations. We are proud to have bred her sire, WF/L&M Duncan Barber.

We are also proud of our own matriarch, WF Admiral Bessy,E-92%, who has lifetime totals of 216,479M, 9,069F and 7306P in 10 lactations. The 14-year-old calved in January and is still going strong.

Mike Stiles


Mike Stiles was recently honored with the Klussendorf Trophy at World Dairy Expo. He and brother, Paul, are the only brother duo to be presented with the prestigious award. CLICK HERE for details.

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