1998 AJCA Master Breeder Award Winner HISTORY The Jersey herd at Waverly Farm was started in 1967 when Robert and Hazel Stiles moved their 50-cow herd from Montgomery County, Maryland, to Clear Brook, Virginia. The herd today consists of over 400 registered head and is a family owned and operated business run by the couple's sons, Mike and Paul Stiles, and their families. In addition to the two brothers, labor for the farm is provided by Mike's son, Zach, and Paul's son, Todd. The herdsman is Darren Watts, who grew up in Franklin County, PA, and recently moved to the farm from Illinois. Mike's wife, Patricia, keeps the financial books and assists with calf feeding and milking. Additional part-time help is provided by Mike's daughters, Laura and Claire. Waverly Farm also gets part-time help from co-op students from the local county high school and Maggie Long, long-time family friend and former intern. Waverly Farm's 375 acres were part of a 5,000-acre land grant to Alexander Ross, a Scottish-Irish Quaker, who built the original part of the stone house in 1734 using limestone found on the farmland. Hopewell Meeting House, also a part of the grant, was built in 1736. It is the oldest church west of the Blue Ridge Mountains still in use. George Fayette Washing, a great-nephew of George Washington, bought the farm in 1826 and named it Waverly. Because of the excellent spring located here on the farm, both the Confederate and Union troops used the grounds extensively as a campground during the Civil War. HERD FACTS Over the years, we have developed more than 1,500 Excellent cows, including 38 that have been appraised 94 points or higher: one at E-97%; five at E-96%; 11 at E-95%; and 21 at E-94%. We are proud to have bred WF Barber Shasta, one of the breed's few cows to have been appraised Excellent-97% by Jersey appraisers. Sadly, we lost "Shasta" in April 2006, but her influence continues in the herd today through her offspring. Over 200 cows have made records in excess of 20,000M, 1,000F and 800P and more than 225 have lifetime credits over 100,000M, 5,000F and 4,000P. There are currently more than 100 cows in the herd with a top record over 20,000M, 1,000F and 800P, including 79 with records greater than 25,000M or 1,200F. Eight cows have records over 30,000M. Current statistics at a glance. . .
THE SHOW RING Waverly Farm has also been successful on the show circuit. We have been named Premier Breeder at The All American Jersey Show 18 times and Premier Exhibitor 15 times. We earned the banner for Reserve Premier Breeder at the prestigious show in 2014. We have shown the breed's National Grand Champion six times and its Reserve National Grand Champion nine times. We also exhibited the Intermediate Champion of The All American Jersey Show in 1996, 1999 and 2000. Waverly Farm showed the Grand Champion of The All American Junior Jersey Show three times and earned Reserve Grand Champion laurels at the show three times. We are also proud to have won the National Jersey Jug Futurity five times, most recently earning the prize with Miss Iatola Blackie Rose-ET in 2011. We showed the Reserve Winner, SSF Prestige Carla, in 2013. Waverly Farm has been named winner of the Best Three Females Bred by Exhibitor 14 times, including the show in 2013. WAVERLY SIRES Our accomplishments also extend to the breeding program, with several outstanding bulls in A.I., including "Justin," "Barber," "Bomber" and "Big Time." Jersey breeders are also using several young sires from Waverly Farm, including WF/NN Centurion Shiloh, WF Amadeo Shyster and WF Bomber Shebull. In all, we have placed well over 100 young sires in A.I. throughout the world. CLICK HERE for a list of available young bulls bred by Waverly Farm. HERD MANAGEMENT The feeding program is a total mixed ration, based on small grain and alfalfa haylage, corn silage, soy bean hulls, pressed brewers grain, and a high protein supplement. Waverly Farm owns 375 acres and rents an additional 250 acres for crops as well as pasture. Our cows are housed in free stalls and milked twice a day in a 10-stall side opening milking parlor. For about 22 years, we have worked with Dr. Joe Lineweaver and Dr. Ray Murley as partners in WF/L&M Jerseys. We have developed several great cow families with this pair. Among them are Quicksilvers Babe and her daughter, WF/L&M Chief Barb. Both were scored Excellent-94% and named finalists in the Jersey Journal's 2000 Great Cow Contest. The partnership bred the bull, WF/L&M Duncan Barber-ET, who was Premier Sire at The All American Jersey Show. We are proud to have been a contributor to Project Equity for three decades, and marked 30 years on continuous contributions in 2010. After 41 years at Waverly, we would like to thank all of those who have encouraged and supported us over the years. We would also like to remember our brothers, Ken, Blair and Tracy, who are deceased and our sister, Debra, and her family, who live in Staunton, Virginia. Most of all, we would like to remember our parents, Bob and Hazel, who gave us the love of the Jersey cow. Welcome to Waverly! Mike and Paul Stiles and Families |
Mike: 540/667-8061 . Paul: 301/535-4050 . Fax: 540/667-7946 . Email: waverlyfarm@comcast.net |