Duchess Dairy Products

Duchess Dairy is currently bottling milk using the Queen of Quality® label on the following products:

Duchess Dairy Products
Whole Milk Pint, Half-Gallon and Gallon
Reduced Fat Milk (2%) Half-Gallon and Gallon
Chocolate Milk (2%) Pint and Half-Gallon
Drinkable Yogurt (peach, strawberry, blueberry and vanilla) Half Pints and Quarts
Cream Pint and Bulk

According to a recent independent nutritional analysis, Duchess Dairy Products are a real value, with more calcium and protein than the products produced by three of our competitors.

Comparative Analysis - 2% Milk
Nutrient Duchess Dairy Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C Duchess Advantage
Protein 3.82% 3.46% 3.34% 3.34% 13.02%
Calcium (mg/100g) 141 118 120 122 17.50%

Comparative Analysis - Whole Milk
Nutrient Duchess Dairy Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C Duchess Advantage
Protein 3.74% 3.41% 3.35% 3.41% 10.32%
Calcium (mg/100g) 140 120 119 120 16.99%
      Duchess Dairy Products
439 Gienow Road, Rural Retreat, VA 24368      276/686-MILK (6455)
Email: duchessdairyproducts@gmail.com      Website: http://duchessdairy.usjersey.com
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